Welcome to Heathwater Investment Research by NJWeb.Solutions.
Visualizes a 3D correlation matrix using Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED).
1. Choose correlation variables.
2. Click "Generate" to view the 3D correlation matrix.
Provides access to various U.S. Federal Reserve economic datasets.
1. Select economic indicators.
2. Adjust time frames.
3. Export data or view trends.
Allows users to visualize housing price trends across different U.S. states.
1. Select a U.S. state.
2. Choose a time period.
3. View price trends and download results.
Analyzes real estate data correlations between U.S. states and ZIP codes using a 3D matrix.
1. Enter State Abrrev.
2. Generate the 3D matrix.
Utilizes an LSTM machine learning model to predict future real estate trends.
1. Choose a State.
2. Select the number of months in the future to predict. 3. Click "Submit".
Uses linear regression to forecast housing price trends based on historical data.
1. Enter a valid 5-digit ZIP code.
2. Enter a start year between 2000 and the current year.
3. Select a start month from the dropdown.
4. Use the slider to select the number of prediction months.
5. Click "Submit" to view the forecast.